
Desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles con android® del centro Kryteria

Programa de Desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles con android®

Modalidad: Presencial
Duración 40
Localización: Ciudad de México

A quién va dirigido



Android was created by the Open Handset Alliance which is led by Google. The early feedback on developing applications for the Android platform was mixed. Issues cited include bugs, lack of documentation, inadequate QA infrastructure, and no public issue-tracking system. (Google announced an issue tracker on January 18, 2008.) In December 2007, MergeLab mobile startup founder Adam MacBeth stated, "Functionality is not there, is poorly documented or just doesn',t work... It',s clearly not ready for prime time." Despite this, Android-targeted applications began to appear the week after the platform was announced. The first publicly available application was the Snake game.

Android Software Development is the process by which new applications are created for the Android operating system. Applications are usually developed in Java programming language using the Android Software Development Kit (SDK), but other development environments are also available.

As of July 2013, more than one million applications have been developed for Android, with over 25 billion downloads. A June 2011 research indicated that over 67% of mobile developers used the platform, at the time of publication. In Q2 2012, around 105 million units of Android smartphones were shipped which acquires a total share of 68% in overall smartphones sale till Q2 2012.

- Workshop Content

Your First Android Application.

Android and Model-View-Controller.

The Activity Lifecycle.

Debugging Android Apps.

Your Second Activity.

Android SDK Versions and Compatibility.

UI Fragments and the Fragment Manager.

Creating User Interfaces with Layouts and Widgets.

Displaying Lists with ListFragment

Using Fragment Arguments

Using ViewPager


Audio Playback Using MediaPlayer

Retained Fragments


The Action Bar

Saving and Loading Local Files

Context Menus and Contextual Action Mode

Camera I: Viewfinder

Camera II: Taking Pictures and Handling Images

Implicit Intents

Two-Pane Master-Detail Interfaces

More About Intents and Tasks

Styles And Includes

XML Drawables And 9-Patches

HTTP & Background Tasks

Loopers, Handlers, and HandlerThread


Background Services

Broadcast Intents

Browsing The Web & WebView

Custom Views and Touch Events

Tracking the Device&rsquo,s Location

Local Databases with SQLite

Loading Asynchronous Data With Loaders

Using Maps


Titulación obtenida

Desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles con android®


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