
Certificate in Innovation & Design Thinking del centro CEDIM Centro de Estudios Superiores de Diseño de Monterrey S.C

Programa de Certificate in Innovation & Design Thinking

Modalidad: Presencial
Localización: Nuevo León


The Certificate in Innovation and Design Thinking (CID) is a five-month program focused on the design and implementation of innovative and sustainable solutions that meet concrete needs of real world users.

International experts mentor students as they learn about design thinking and the three pillars of innovation: viability (business), feasibility (technology) and desirability (people).

Información Adicional

Student Profile

The CID program aims at being accessible for practitioners in any field, as well as for businessmen and executives with a busy schedule. It thus envisages work sessions, which take place over the weekends, from Friday to Sunday, once a month.

The CID program encourages multidisciplinary teams and is open to applicants from all industries, startups, non-profits and the public sector.

The program addresses both companies wishing to educate an entire group of employees as well as individuals from all sectors. It considers business professionals and creative professionals who are interested in making a meaningful change in their organizations.

Applicants should have strong communication and collaboration skills, English and computer proficiency.

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