
Foundation pta/rta pressure transient & rate transient analysis del centro ELITE TRAINING

Programa de Foundation pta/rta pressure transient & rate transient analysis

Modalidad: Presencial
Duración 40
Localización: Bogotá D.C.


The KAPPA foundation pressure / rate transient analysis (FPTA/RTA) course has been designed to teach the generic methodology and the practice of pressure transient analysis (PTA) and rate transient analysis (RTA) in addition to the mechanics of Saphir and Topaze software which is learnt almost as a by-product. The emphasis is therefore en a visual and conceptual approach to interpretation including only essential mathematics. Full theory, including formulae and derivations are provided, as well as the conceptual explanation of PTA and RTA in the accompanying KAPPA dynamic data analysis (DDA) handbook provided to each attendee.

Field examples are used to illustrate each concept. By the end of the course the attendee should be capable of performing analyses and developing interpretations. In addition, the attendee should have the foundations sufficient for developing further experience in transient and production analysis.

Course Content:

Introduction to PTA and RTA

When do we perform PTA or RTA?

Basic theory of diffusion PTA / RTA

The basic principles and terminology governing both methods. Introduction to Darcy&rsquo,s law and the equation of state leading to the diffusivity equation, the principle of superposition, infinite-acting radial flow, wellbore storage and skin and pseudo-steady state.

PTA methodology

Methodology from the simple straight line Horner to the current model-on-the-fly Bourdet derivative.


The quality control process before making an analysis.

Saphir practical

The basic Saphir features including the interpretation path of load, edit, synchronizing, model, classical methods, the derivative and the application to field examples.

Well models

Vertical wells, skin, finite/infinite conductivity fractures, limited entry and horizontal wells.

Reservoir models

Homogenous and heterogeneous models behavior including 2&Phi,, 2&kappa, and composite

Boundary models

Single limit, intersecting, parallel faults and closed system. Includes typical errors encountered when diagnosing a boundary effect with an illustration of superposition effects and the influence of production duration en the analysis.

Basic gas tests

The use of pseudopressures and multiple period analysis for rate dependant skin includes an isochronal test example.


The IPR AOF options in Saphir and the connection to the Amethyste WPA module.

Test design

Test objectives and how to design a test to achieve them.

RTA methodology

Methodology from the basic empirical methods including Arps and Fetkovich to the current modern Blasingame, material balance and loglog diagnostic plots.

Topaze practical

The basic Topaze features including the interpretation path of load, edit, model, p(q), q(p), fast model and the application to field examples.

Basic numerical PTA /RTA

The principle of the linear (single phase) numerical model, how to build a model including defining the well type, composite zones, faults and thickness.

An introduction to advanced features
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