
Inglés Comunicativo Intermedio del centro IDEFT Instituto de Formación para el Trabajo del Estado de Jalisco

Programa de Inglés Comunicativo Intermedio

Modalidad: Presencial
Duración 180
Localización: Jalisco


Las principales fuentes de empleo son: Auto empleo, empresas, telemarketing, hoteles, escuelas etc.

The learner will ask for opinions, give opinions about people and describe people´s activities, describe a person´s qualities, plans
and intentions, find out about plans, give views, agree, disagree, introduce a point of view, tell stories, introduce the story, describe
events, finish off the story. Ask about developments in other´s life. Give information about his life. Ask for opinions, ask for
descriptions. Give opinions, describe things. Ask and talk about routines, ask and talk about preferences, check information. Using
vocabulary like. Adjectives to describe personality: Dull creative, bossy, easy-going, narrow-minded, etc. Verbs to describe
occupations. Phrasal verbs to describe actions, words for activities in daily life, words to talk about social issues, expressions to
comment on information from other people, words to talk about changes in life. Sentence stress, reduced sounds, linked sounds,
main intonation patterns, intonation and stress in thought groups, etc.

Información Adicional

REQUISITOS.- Haber acreditado los cursos de Inglés Comunicativo Básico Inicial, Inglés Comunicativo Básico Superior e Inglés
Comunicativo Preintermedio
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