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Curso Inglés dexway communicate nivel b1 curso 3 del centro FORMASTUR

Programa de Curso Inglés dexway communicate nivel b1 curso 3

Modalidad: Online
Duración 20


Objetivo General: Practicar y adquirir conocimientos que permitan manejarse adecuadamente en situaciones lingü,ísticas, habituales de la vida real como viajar y salir a comer fuera, pedir y dar indicaciones y cuestiones relacionadas con la salud.


Saying goodbye to the band

Well keep in touch

Ill call you

Virtual world - Additional vocabulary

Getting married

Who shall we invite?

Go ahead

What a marvellous surprise!

What if...?

Lets be reasonable

Agatha Christie - Reading comprehension

I can offer you a job

I owe you one

I made biscuits

A new barman

Take it easy

You will play again, wont you?

Being an artist - Additional vocabulary

Dreaming of becoming famous


I cant get home

Sports, customs and etiquette - Reading comprehension

Returning your shoes - Typical situation

Relationships - Dialogue

The pros and cons of regularly watching television - Reading

The pros and cons of regularly watching television - Dictation

Test summary exercises
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