
American dexway academy - level A2 - course 1 del centro GRUPO CETEC

Programa de American dexway academy - level A2 - course 1

Modalidad: Presencial
Duración 40
Localización: Morelos



In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Block and continue the transition to a basic user of English. The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in all areas. In this block the learner is introduced to Modal verbs for ability, extended prepositions as well as the Present Simple forms of many common verbs. The use of a variety of exercises encompasses different learner styles as well as guaranteeing thorough coverage of the topics covered. The block is comprised of a series of interactive exercises such as word-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogs and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items.


Unit 1

Having an accident

Aims: To introduce and re-cycle vocabulary and structures related to the topic as well as grammar through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogs and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items as well as writing grammatically correct sentences, selecting the right picture or image, etc.

A robbery

Aims: To introduce and re-cycle vocabulary and structures as well as practicing pronunciation through a series of interactive exercises such as listening and writing activities, and listening and repeting words or expressions. Vocabulary: - Clothes - Basic telephone expressions. Activities: - Listening: listen and fill in the blanks - Association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures: listen and repeat - Pronunciation: listn and repeat.

Can I help you?

Aims: To review and consolidate vocabulary, grammar and structures covered in the lessons through a series of interactive exercises such as listening: gap-fill, student-led listening: click on the vocabulary, listening practice: spelling, pronunciation: listen and repeat, etc. Structures and functions: - Modal verbs: can/can',t for ability, permission and possibility - Exchanging personal information: telephone numbers and addresses - Prepositions of place: over, on, in - Present simple: all forms. Vocabulary: - Clothes - Basic telephone expressions. Activities: Fill in the blanks - Fill in the blanks: multiple choice - Complete the sentences - Listening: listen and fill in the blanks - Comprehension exercise: choose the synonymous sentence - Dub the movie.

Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

Unit 2

At the police station

Aims: To introduce and re-cycle vocabulary and structures related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogs and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items.

What does he look like?

Aims: To introduce and practice grammar as well as some more useful phrases through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, choosing the correct word, listening and repeating, etc. Structures and functions: - Order of adjectives - Present simple: all forms Vocabulary: - Clothes - Physical descriptions. Activities: - Student-led practice: click on the images or drawings - Fill in the blanks: multiple choice - Association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures: listen and repeat - Pronunciation: listen and repeat.

Do you know him?

Aims: To consolidate and review the grammar, vocabulary and structures covered in the lessons through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening and writing activities, choosing the correct word or option, completing the sentences, etc. Structures and functions: - Order of adjectives - Present simple: all forms - Talking about ages. Vocabulary: - Clothes - Physical descriptions - Numbers: revision and extension. Activities: - Listening: listen and answer the questions - Fill in the blanks: multiple choice - Listening: listen and fill in the blanks - Complete the sentences - Comprehension exercise: choose the synonymous sentence - Dub the movie.

Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

Unit 3

Tomorrow is my birthday

Aims: To introduce and re-cycle vocabulary and structures related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogs and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items.

Introducing my family

Aims: To introduce and practice grammar and some more useful phrases through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening and repeating, listening and writing, etc. Structures and functions: - Adverbs of frequency - Present simple: all forms with new verbs - Have Got: all forms - Prepositions of place: on, under, next to, in front of Vocabulary: - Days of the week: revision - Physical descriptions - Relationships and family. Activities - Student-led practice: click on the images or drawings - Complete the sentences - Pronunciation: listen and repeat - Association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures: listen and repeat - Listening: listen and repeat.

What',s the matter?

Aims: To review and consolidate the grammar, vocabulary and structures covered in the lessons through a series of interactive exercises such as choosing the correct word or option, compleating the sentences, dubbing the movie, etc. Structures and functions: - Adverbs of frequency - Present simple: all forms with new verbs - Have Got: all forms - Prepositions of place: on, under, next to, in front of. Vocabulary: - Physical descriptions - Relationships and family - Days of the week: revision. Activities: Fill in the blanks: multiple choice - Dub the movie - Comprehenson activity: choose the synonymous sentence - Write a new sentence.

Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

Unit 4

The fifth annual race

Aims: To introduce and re-cycle vocabulary and structures related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogs and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items.

How do I get there?

Aims: To introduce and practice grammar vocabulary and structures through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening and repeating, listening and writing, etc Structures and functions: - Prepositions of movement - Imperative: positive. Vocabulary: - Places in the town - Basic directions - Expressions with go: go up, go down, go onto. Activities: - Student-led practice: click on the drawings - Pronuncation: listen and repeat - Association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures: listen and repeat - Listeing: listen and fill in the blanks - Listening: listen and write.

Turn left!

Aims: To consolidate and review grammar, vocabulary and structures covered in the lessons through a series of interactive exercises such as choosing the correct word, dubbing the movie, etc. Structures and functions: - Prepositions - Imperative. Vocabulary: - Places in the town - Basic directions - Expressions with go: go up, go down, go onto. Activities: Fill in the blanks: multiple choice - Listening: listen and fill in the blanks - Fill in the blanks - Comprehension exercise: choose the synonymous sentece - Dub the movie.

Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

Unit 5

Looking after her dog

Aims: To introduce and re-cycle vocabulary and structures related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogs and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items.

Don',t eat that!

Aims: To introduce, study and practice grammar and structures through a series of interactive exercises such as associating sentences and words with pictures, writing sentences, Pronunciation: listening and repeat, etc. Structures and functions: - Giving instructions - Expressing prohibition: negative imperatives - Quantifiers: a few, a little, a lot of, plenty of, any, enough - Negative agreement: either - Expressing frequency: once, twice, three times. Vocabulary: - Instructions - Prohibitions. Activities: Student-led practice: click on the drawings - Write sentences - Association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures: listen and repeat - Pronunciation: listen and repeat.

That',s enough

Aims: To consolidate and review grammar, vocabulary and structures covered in the lessons through a series of interactive exercises such as listening and writing, choosing the correct word or sentence, dubbing the movie, etc. Structures and functions: - Giving instructions - Expressing prohibition: negative imperatives - Quantifiers: a few, a little, a lot of, plenty of, any, enough - Negative agreement: either - Expressing frequency: once, twice, three times. Vocabulary: - Instructions - Prohibitions. Activities: Listening: listen and choose an option - Fill in the blanks: multiple choice - Listening: listen and fill in the blanks - Comprehension exercise: choose the synonymous sentence - Dub the movie.

A good ',cuppa', - Reading comprehension

In this lesson students read and listen to a written passage of text about how tea and coffee are prepared in the United Kingdom and their importance in the British culture. After reading, students answer a series of questions that follow a sequential order and elicit their skills on active reading. Readers are asked to peruse the passage for the general meaning, particular details and logical inferences. The suggested activity focuses on matching a statement with its corresponding section, an example is provided. By practicing active and effective reading students acquire strong cognitive skills such as attention, auditory analysis, sound blending, sound segmenting, memory, processing speed and visualisation.

Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

Unit 6

What',s her flight number?

Aims: To revise and conslidate the contents of the Block through a variety of exercises and activities. Interactive exercises include dubbing the movie, dialog understanding: selecting the correct option, making sentences and filling in the blanks. A comprehensive revision of the topics covered. Structures and functions: - Have Got - Talking about the family - Directions and places in a town - Asking for more information. Vocabulary: - Physical descriptions - Family and relations. Activities - Watch a movie and dub it. - Listening: choosing the correct option-Make sentences. - Fill in the gaps.

There',s plenty of work!

Aims: To revise and consolidate the contents of the Block through a variety of exercises and activities. Interactive exercises include choosing the correct word, Listen and answer: true or false, Reading: read and put in order, Listen and fill in the blanks, etc. A comprehensive revision of the topics covered. Structures and functions: - Have Got - Talking about the family - Directions and places in a town - Asking for more information - Possessive',s', - Imperatives - Prepositions. Vocabulary: - Physical descriptions - Family and relations - Activities: - Fill in the blanks: multiple choice - Listening: listen and fill in the blanks - Reading comprehension: order the events.

At the airport - Additional vocabulary

This lesson provides students with additional materials to expand their knowledge of vocabulary on the subject of travelling, specifically terms related to the airport context. Vocabulary is presented in context and there are follow-up exercises that provide extended practice.

Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

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