
Legal English effective legal communication skills for colombian professionals del centro Universidad del Rosario - Educación Continuada

Programa de Legal English effective legal communication skills for colombian professionals

Modalidad: Presencial
Duración 45
Localización: Bogotá D.C.


In Colombia lawyers must be able to communicate in English, both technically and stylistically in a professional way with their clients (whether they be individuals, businesses, other lawyers, and/or all types of entities in general). They must be able to utilize the language as an important tool in their day to day duties and in various areas such as contract law, business and corporate law, intellectual property, taxation, litigation to name only a few. The participants in this course will learn how to communicate effectively, with clarity, efficiency and using the correct vocabulary. They will learn to appreciate how to convey information, provide advice and assistance and to deal with their English-speaking counterparts having in mind the expectations of the recipients of their communications.

Dirigido a:

This course will be useful to anyone who Works in legal or law related areas and in the English language. It will be of assistance to anyone who, in the course of his or her duties must manage and conduct, in the English language, legally related matters and who wishes to do so in a clear and professional manner. To benefit from this course the participants should have an Intermediate level of English.

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